Di my blog my sin.,.,. baca dan bacalah tuk menambah ilmu karena dunia hanya satu dan hidup hanya sekali jadi ingatlah kau tuk bebuat dosa,..,.,eh salah berbuat baik maksudny setelah membaca,.,.,.TOlong komentar nya donk,.,.,...^_^...

Rollcage Stage II

Rollcage Stage II [PC- Rip]

Rollcage Stage II [PC- Rip]

Rollcage Stage II is the sequel to the original. Being compared to Wipeout on wheels, the game allows you to power your vehicle down tunnels at blistering speeds, riding upside down on the roof if need be, and blast your fellow competitors to smitherines!

Featuring improved physics and vehicle handling, shorter tracks than the original, new and improved weapons - including the ability to double up your arsenal, picking up the same weapon twice improves its power/abilities; 12 racing modes - not all of which are available at the start, and many hidden bonuses, all of which can be unlocked throughout the game.

- unrar - double click on rollcage.reg and YES - run Rollcage.exe to play [works with vista - xp - 98]

SIZE For File:>>> ( 45.52 MB )
PASWORD For File:>>> ( kosovadc )

DOWNLOAD : Sin Games

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